The state, when the sore stomach and the kidneys, is familiar to many people. It is due to different reasons. The most often associated with diseases of the urinary tract, gynecological pathology in women and urology in men, the disorders, the driver system of nerves and channels in the lower part of the spine.

The doctors there recognized the term "chronic pelvic pain". It is entitled, if the patient has a sore back and the stomach of 6 months and more. The statistics show that among women in 75% of cases, it is caused by gynecological disorders, only 25% in the other condition called ekstragenitalnoy.
Men also suffer from a sore back and abdomen. Prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate may cause permanent stabbing pain towards the back.
Why the pain?
The causes of pain in the back and the pelvic organs are found in the inflammation or interference to the nerve, trunks, branches, stretching of the capsule of the organs of the abdomen.
All the pulses of pathologically modified pelvic organs, gall bladder, the intestine, the pancreas, the liver, the kidneys are going to in the lymph nodes, lumbosacral spine
Here, they can move from one segment to the other, so that the person feels the radiation away from the area. If the disease is affecting most of the spine, it should be noted the possibility of degenerative disc disease, disc compression, the inflammatory process (spondylitis).
The defeat of one of the joints in the elderly is accompanied by pain in the lower belly. We consider the symptoms of the major diseases that cause pain.
What are the characteristics of the pain in the lower belly are of interest to the doctor?
In order to determine the nature of the symptoms, you need to understand the signs of pain, its relationship with other symptoms. An experienced physician interested in the issues:
- about the location of the maximum pain;
- the initial phenomena and the prescription of their appearance;
- paralysis type (colicy) or stupid, dolore nature;
- the appearance on the bottom of the pain of the other symptoms (vomiting, dysuria, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the urine or stool, feelings of stiffness in the joints);
- the availability and the prescription of the fever;
- the regularity of menstruation in women, the communication with menstruation, climacteric manifestations;
- suspicion of pregnancy;
- the nature of the work (for the diagnosis of adenoma of the prostate have a value of "sedentary" in the profession).
The diseases of the urinary tract
The most common manifestation, whether evil at the bottom of the back and of the abdomen, is characteristic of cystitis (bladder inflammation). They are often victims of women because of the anatomical features of the canal urethral.
The pain has a pulling nature, the maximum of upset stomach, but it "gives" in the lower back. At the same time appear dysuric symptoms (pain and increased urination). Serious accompanied by an increase of the temperature.
Pyelonephritis — infection of renal pelvis of the kidney, manifested by the main pain in the lower back to the bottom of the abdomen. The onset of the disease is usually acute, greatly increases the temperature, in patients chills, dysuria.

The intensity of the pain increases to a measure of the severity of the inflammation
Kidney disease is accompanied by permanent obtuse arching of the lumbar in pain. Particularly the case when the location of the stone basin, forced with the stagnation of the urine and of the education hydronephrosis.
If calculation goes down in the ureter, the crisis is in the nature of renal colic. A strong pain spread on the road of the urinary tract in the adductors of the right or the left. The patient is restless, struggling. The condition improves after a discharge of stone, there is blood in the urine.
What are the diseases of the digestive organs, you can think of?
Pain in the lower back — frequent manifestation of gastritis, duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis. On tinea nature complain the patients over the course of the pancreatitis. Abdominal pain accompanied by symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, heartburn, chronic diarrhea or constipation, belching, weight loss.
Intestinal infections, with the exception of diarrhea, expressed by painful sensations in the lower abdomen to the lower back. Draws the attention of the poisoning-general: high temperature, mouth pasty, vomiting, weakness. The chair frequently and the liquid, there is a lot of mucus, may be the impurities of the blood.
The symptoms and treatment of diseases of the pancreas
The chronic constipation caused by atony of the intestines, disturbing the elderly. The accumulation of fecal stones, the poisoning of the slag contribute to pain during bowel, bloating. Acute pain occurring at the onset of the signs of bowel obstruction.
The diaphragmatic hernia is called pinched in the orifice of the stomach, of the esophagus. Can lead to swallowing disorders. Most often exposed to people without any physical activity. Abdominal pain can epigastric in the back. The situation worsens after the meal. A similar sentiment appears in a patient during the cardiospasm.
If the pain began suddenly in the background of the health, we can't exclude acute appendicitis. Exo location apophyse (blind gut, the median line of the pelvis) causes a printer to pain in the lower belly and lower back, "glutino bonum is" the wall of the bladder or of women to the uterus.
During the exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, the spread of the pain is directed into the bottom of the back, the anus
Men of the disease
In men a progressive enlargement of the prostate gland is accompanied by aching pain above the pubis, bestower in the sacrum and lower back. Urological inflammatory disease are less frequent than in women.
But the most common cause of urethritis and cystitis are genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma). Painful pain and frequent urination, and testify to the inflammatory process in the urethra.
Orchiepididymitis — covers the inflammation of testes and epididymis. It can be called a trauma, but more often, the sexually transmitted infection. In patients, unless the local pain, rise of temperature, the possibility of nausea, vomiting. To apply treatments with specific antibacterial agents. Wash channel-urethral.
The gynecological pathology
Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back in women are usually associated with inflammation of the internal genital organs. Among the gynecological diseases of the female body is most often annexite (inflammation of the epididymis), ovarian cysts, endometritis.
Often, the pain are cramping, "trahens" character concerns of one side or both. Acute annexite complicates led to abortion, childbirth. The localized pain in the lower abdomen, on the one hand. Without treatment become very intense, are capable of causing peritonitis.
Cyst pain amplified during the movements of the
When the feet of a cyst of the ovary in women twisted product of an acute crisis, with a tummy ache, but gives in the lower back. This same clinic will take place at the extra-uterine pregnancy. The diagnosis is based on Paltseva the study of the uterus and annexes.
Gynecologists show an increase or painful infiltration. One of the symptoms of the cessation of menstruation. It is important to detect the disease, because the complication serves as internal bleeding. Endometriosis, premalignant disease of the uterus, is characterized by pain above the the pubic area during menstruation.
Gynecologists claim that the female half of the adult population in the adult age suffers menstruo pain. Why the stomach pain in the period before the onset of menstruation in young and apparently healthy for the girls and the first three days?
Scientists have proven that the reason the cramps, the contraction of the uterus, related to the concentration of specific hormones – prostaglandins, an inflammatory process or transitional. Least for women determine the curvature of the uterus.
A direct impact on the syndrome of the pain is the pursuit of girls to wear in cold weather, the jacket to bare the lower back, the cold shoes. This rationale leads to infertility. Unnecessary bravado of the boys is complemented by the high load of service in the army. A dangerous trend is essential in the prevention of marriages are sterile.
When a tummy ache, and kidneys, the girls, the gynecologists recommend rectal candles with belladonna. They act quickly, relieve the associated symptoms (nausea, dizziness, salivation).

In pregnant pain in lower belly — a symptom alarming. On the time, the midwives suggest the threat of interruption. In quarter III, the belly pulls in continuously, the enlargement of the uterus compresses the intestines and the bladder. The load on the spine grows considerably.
It is particularly difficult to tolerate physically prepared by women. Moderate pain in the first half of the pregnancy-related distension of the ligaments, growing uterus. In the period before the birth, the symptoms may be masked under false contractions. Early detachment of the placenta is accompanied by an increase in pain, bleeding. Disturbed to the heart of the fetus.
In the diagnostic value of the observation of a woman to a doctor in a timely manner to conduct an ultrasound examination.
The stomach and kidneys bother women who have had an abortion. Prolonged pain, the selection, the increase of the temperature indicate a failure produced a work incomplete of the egg.
A woman's threat of sepsis, that is why you need the emergency treatment at the hospital. Violent sex is able to cause jumps on the walls and the vaginal cavity. The pain in the lower abdomen lead to the erosion of the cervix.
Inguinal hernia
Hernial protrusion in the groin discover more often in boys and men. This is related to the violation of the embryonic development of the genital organs and a weakness of the abdominal wall. The event helps to:
- the lifting of heavy objects;
- the wounds of the abdomen;
- the cough of smokers;
- ascites in cirrhosis of the liver;
- obesity or drastic weight loss.
Men feel pain in the groin towards the back, the emergence of the education that inflates when the voltage of the abdominal muscles. In supine position, the bulge disappears, continues the canal of the hernia. If the breach of an acute pain may cause an unconscious state. The patient should be urgently hospitalized and operate up to strinxit of the colon do not form a gangrene.
Malignant tumors of the kidneys, the lower divisions of the bowel, bladder, uterus and ovarian cancer in women, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The realization of a differential diagnosis between them, it will be necessary to complete the investigation. The germination of tumors in the adjacent organs and metastasis formation, complicates the detection and treatment.
Chronic pain
Abdominal pain and low back in particular are the manifestation of chronic diseases. Among them, the most frequent:
- of rheumatoid polyarthritis with the defeat of the pathology of the joints (the strongest of the pain and stiffness, the patient feels immediately after the sleep);
- osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region — produces radicular symptoms, doctors neurologists emphasize sensitivity disorders in the areas of innervation plexus and branches on the anterior wall of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks;
- herniated disc — formed of the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus vertebrae;
- osteoarthritis of the spine — the process of atrophy violates the form of contact surfaces of the vertebrae;
- osteoporosis is a disease of reduced bone density, is related to a leaching the body of calcium salts, the lack of vitamin D.
Pathological pain is considered to be central to the pathology after a stroke. Patients feel "sore back" is not only the sleeping of long duration, but also to the violation of the innervation of the body.
What causes pain in the back and the stomach in children?
Children, adolescents frequently complain of back pain. How to distinguish between important symptoms to quite safe? According to the observations of pediatricians are the causes of pain. Delays overload a child's physical activities, sports, different types of pest control. All children develop in the same way.
If the muscles are not ready to stretch, after the training of the child, the pain lumbo-sacral area. They are linked to turns, radiating to the front or back of the thigh, to the groin. The stretching of the ligaments of the hip "answers" pain in the lower belly.
The violation of the posture, the habit of bending may be due to uncomfortable furniture, chair height, bed too soft
Prolonged immobility on the lesson in a sitting position static causes overexertion of the abdominal muscles and the back. Why have the teachers, organize a short training session.
For a child is the value of the excess of weight. Obese children often suffer, complain of pain in the lower back and abdomen, increase of flatus in the intestine.
Myositis — inflammation due to infection, draft, injury to the muscles in a long and painful. In addition to the painful nature, radiant in the stomach. The pain appears immediately after waking up. Typically one-sided defeat.
Intestinal infections are much heavier than the adults. With the exception of the diarrhoea and vomiting, there are cramps, dehydration.
The disease of the urinary tract are of concern to children as well as adults. The large calculs still do not have the time to train, but salt cause paroxysmal renal colic. The more often observed in boys. By the time a heart attack occurs, a retention of urine, vomiting. The pain radiating to the groin. The urine is red because of the abundance of red blood cells.

The diagnostic value
If the person has a bad back and pulls the lower abdomen, the survey should include all possible methods for the research of the true causes. By means of laboratory analysis of blood, urine, feces, you can exclude or confirm the presence of inflammation in the urinary organs, the intestine.
The continuation of the examination bacteriological allows to define an etiologic agent of the disease and affect treatment.
The examination of the x-ray of the pelvis and spine to assess the low back pain, diagnosing hernial protrusion of a disc, see precious in the ureter. The holding of the cystoscopy allows them to discover the wall of the bladder and of the urethra, to establish the symmetry of the revenues of the urine of ureteral holes.
Ultrasound assistance in the event of suspicion of disease dense organs (pancreas, kidneys).